
Great British Dog Biscuit Bark Off

Great British Dog Biscuit Bark Off

Yes, it’s that time of year again when the Great British Bake-off is on television! Well this time, Wag Wins has created our own ‘Great British Dog Biscuit Bark Off’ to teach you some tips and tricks to create & ice your own handmade dog biscuits from your very own kitchen!


Wag Wins handmade dog treats are all about healthy treats for dogs that are tail wagging tasty. Making handmade dog biscuits to look pretty starts with baking a tasty biscuit recipe and decorating it with a dog-friendly icing. For the Great British Dog Biscuit Bake Off, I will teach you the Wag Wins peanut butter and banana biscuit recipe and how to ice your very own biscuits with my dog friendly icing recipe! You can then feed these tasty treats to your dog to see if they give you a wag of the tail from your four-legged companion – much more rewarding than the Golden Paul Hollywood handshake!


Wag Wins handmade dog treats are made using natural human grade ingredients, All Wag Wins treats are grain-free, wheat-free, vegan-friendly and contains no artificial flavourings, additives or preservatives. Just honest healthy biscuits made for your dog by hand and decorated with beautiful colourful icing using natural ingredients suitable for a dog’s digestive system and wellbeing.


Though it is safe to feed your dog peanut butter, make sure that it does not contain xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is safe for humans to eat but can be deadly for dogs. Use a natural smooth peanut butter brands like ‘Whole Earth’ or ‘Pip & Nut’, both these brands are available at most supermarkets including Sainsburys, Waitrose, Tesco, Asda and health food stores.


Wag Wins don’t use any dairy products, so neither do these biscuits. Although a little dairy can be okay for dogs to eat, they should be given it in moderation or not at all. Too much dairy can cause a dog to have an upset stomach, as they can’t digest the enzyme found in dairy products, lactose.


Peanut Butter & Banana Biscuits

1 banana
¼ cup coconut oil, melted & cooled
½ cup natural smooth peanut butter (Whole Earth or Pip & Nut)
1 cup rice flour
Dog shape or bone shape cookie cutter

To make the biscuits

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Put the oven shelf in the middle of the oven.
  2. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking parchment.
  3. Mash the banana in a bowl with a whisk to a puree/mash. Add the melted coconut oil, peanut butter and flour. Mix to a soft dough.
  4. Lightly dust your worktop with flour and then roll out your biscuit dough to the thickness of a £1 coin.
  5. Stamp out your biscuit shapes using a dog shape or bone shape cookie cutter (or whatever cookie cutter you like).
  6. Place your biscuits on the baking tray and bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes, or until the edges of the biscuits are slightly golden and the biscuit is firm and crisp to touch – not soft and doughy and not overcooked and burnt
  7. Allow the biscuits to cool completely on a wire rack before icing.


Dog Friendly Icing

2 tbsp rice flour
2 tsp water
1 tsp maple syrup
Food colouring (natural food colouring includes beetroot-pink, carrot-orange, spinach-green, strawberries & raspberries- red, charcoal powder-black and turmeric-orange).

For white icing: Mix the cornflour, maple syrup and water together and stop here.
For colour icing: If you want to add some colour, aka fun personalised detail to your treats, just add in some food colouring to create something special.


To make the Icing

Add the rice flour to the bowl.

Add the water to the cornflour, mix together, then add the maple syrup.
Thoroughly combine the mix with a whisk and add a bit more water if needed. The icing will likely seem a bit thin at first, but it will harden.

The icing will harden, making it great to decorate dog biscuits with. Adding some food colouring will allow you to make adorable different colour dog shaped biscuits to personalised your biscuit to look like your own dog.

Once the dog coat/colour icing is applied and set, you can then pipe over the top in white icing the name of the dog to really personalised the biscuit

(Note) If you want an icing that is harder and thicker you would use some more rice flour. If you want icing that is a little more shiny and “wet” looking, you add less rice flour.


To apply the icing to the biscuit

  1. Using a piping bag with a fine nozzle, pipe an outline border around the edge of the biscuit. Allow to semi-set before flooding the biscuit with a slightly wetter consistency icing to coat. Make sure to flood the biscuit with icing before the outline border dries hard, or they won’t blend together

  1. Flood each biscuit inside the border line you created using a pastry brush and allow to semi-set.

  1. You can then add detail to your biscuit, by adding different colour tones and outlines on top of the icing flooded biscuit, such as a darker brown over a light brown flood, black and white for the eyes. Allow to set Fully.
  2. You can then pipe with a fine nozzle (the same size nozzle as used to make a border of icing around the edge of the biscuit before flooding it) to pipe the dog’s name onto their body.

When feeding your dog iced biscuits, you shouldn’t give your dog more than 10% of homemade treats for their daily calorie intake.

To browse the full range of biscuits available for you to purchase as a treat for your dog, visit the Wag Wins website shop:

The Wag Wins website also includes an entertaining dog video gallery, puparazzi page, dog blog articles and a pup quiz page where you can win your dog a free box of handmade treats!

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