
Did you know…..The #1 sign of gum disease in dogs is bad breath?

Did you know…..

The #1 sign of gum disease in dogs is bad breath? Well time to stock up on feeding your dog with Wag Wins handmade sweet fresh breath biscuits! https://wagwins.co.uk/product/sweet-breath-biscuits/

Why Does Periodontal Disease Matter to My Dog?

Don’t all dogs just have bad breath?

No! Contrary to popular belief, it is not normal for dogs to have stinky puppy breath. That foul odor is caused by bacteria in the dog’s mouth- bacteria that breeds and thrives in the moist, warm environment of your dog’s body. Bacterial infections often lead to pain, tooth loss, and serious medical conditions for dogs if left untreated.
Just like in humans, the health of your dog’s mouth is vital to the health of his entire body.

What is Gum Disease in Dogs

Gum disease in dogs occurs when bacteria in the mouth thrive and attack the gums. This results in shrinking of the gum that exposes the root of the tooth. Root exposure is very painful for your fur baby and a dog will often display this pain with a decreased appetite, grouchy attitude, and by withdrawing to a quiet place where he can be alone. He may lick obsessively at a paw or hindquarter, or whimper and growl when anyone attempts to examine his mouth.
Bacteria also lead to dental cavities which require tooth extraction and often creates long-term dental pain in dogs as well as eating problems. If you’ve ever had a cavity or a tooth pulled, you can relate.

What Causes Gum Disease in Dogs?

Gum disease is so common in our dogs mainly because of the diet we feed them. All those carbohydrates, sugars, starches, and additives create a sticky paste in your dog’s mouth that clings to the teeth and provides an ideal environment for the bacteria that cause gum disease. Tartar and plaque buildup further complicates the problem and contribute to a favorable environment for bad bacteria.
Plus, not many pet parents are diligent about making regular oral hygiene a priority. They often cite a dog’s resistance to mouth care as the primary reason to skip brushing.
But dental hygiene is critical for your dog’s good health. Bacterial overgrowth is known to travel to other parts of the body beyond the mouth, resulting in serious medical conditions, infections, and even death.
Plus, that bacterial overgrowth can adversely affect your dog’s natural ability to digest his food properly because of enzyme imbalances in the stomach, tooth pain, tooth loss, and other illness that occur as a direct result of gum disease. Your dog may lose weight, have difficulty eating, or become a flatulence machine that no one wants to sit near when his digestion is impaired.

Brush, Brush, Brush!

Dog breath is normal and often overlooked, but if you have to hold your own breath when you get a whiff of your dog’s breath, then you’ve got a bad case of halitosis on your hands, which, according to Reeve, is “the first sign of disease in the mouth.”
Oral infections, disease, tooth decay and other dental concerns for dogs are more common than people realize, and many people will just let them happen because they assume it’s normal and just a part of aging, etc. But the truth is that your dog’s dental health can actually have a major impact on his overall health and can lead to you having to pay mounds of vet bills later on in order to get his health back on track.

Symptoms Of Dental Disease

If your dog is showing any of the following signs, it’s likely that he has a dental disease.
• Visible plaque or tartar
• Bad breath or mouth odor
• Chewing with the head tilted to one side
• Food dropping from the mouth during meals
• Loose teeth or loss of teeth
• Unwilling to eat
• Crying out in pain
• Shying from your touch
• Unwilling to chew hard objects

Let The Brushing Begin!

Here are some simple steps for how to successfully clean those pearly whites.
1. Before beginning, let your dog sniff and lick the toothpaste and toothbrush. This is especially important if you’re using a new product or if you haven’t brushed in a while. Let your dog become comfortable with your supplies before sticking them in his mouth.
2. Move your dog’s lips aside and rub the visible teeth with the toothbrush and paste. Circular motions are best. Don’t forget to brush along the gum line! Once your dog is comfortable with you brushing the visible teeth, try gently opening his jaw to brush the back teeth as well.
3. Finish by rewarding him with praise, affection, or a treat, like Wag Wins handmade sweet fresh breath biscuits https://wagwins.co.uk/product/sweet-breath-biscuits/. This step is very important, even if the process didn’t go well. You want to make sure that your dog has positive feelings associated with teeth brushing so the process will run smoothly the next time.
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